Passkeys for your app. In a snap.

Integrate passkeys into your app in minutes, not months

We will NOT spam you. We don't even have a mailing list, and we won't opt you in if we ever create one.

Passkeys 101

(in under 90 seconds)

Why SnapAuth

Streamline Your Security

  1. Increase conversion

    Streamline registration and sign-in with one-tap APIs, which are 2x as fast and 4x more successful than passwords. Eliminate confusing policies, missed SMS, and password reset flows.

  2. Instant 2-Factor Auth

    Passkeys, backed by biometrics and the WebAuthn standard, offer multi-factor auth in a single tap. Stop phishing and ATO in their tracks.

  3. Fits anywhere you need

    SnapAuth integrates wherever you need it, allowing you to go passwordless, add MFA, authenticate purchases, lock down customer service tools, and more.

  4. Invisible to users

    SnapAuth adds no branding to your site, has a lightweight (~2kb) SDK, performs no tracking or telemetry, and leverages platform-native UIs.

Widely Available

SnapAuth supports all major web browsers and most native apps. Passkeys are built on WebAuthn and backed by the W3C, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other industry leaders. See our SDK support.

Users do not need separate apps, cell service, or push notification permissions—ensuring a seamless authentication experience from the smallest phones to mountain-sized VR spaces. Your users already have everything they need.

SnapAuth works in all browsers including Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox, as well as native apps

Your Data is Yours.

  • You stay in control of your users and their accounts. We enhance your user management, not replace it.
  • Don't like the service? Export your data at any time. You're not locked in to SnapAuth. We want to earn your continued business.
  • We collect no personal data from your users, and don't want to!

Ready to move beyond passwords?

Get started now »

Sign up now with no credit card required and get started for free.

Have a proof-of-concept done in minutes, and go live in one development cycle!