SnapAuth SDKs

We maintain a number of official SDKs to let you integrate in a snap!

Client SDKs

Our client SDKs use your publishable key from the dashboard.

  • TypeScript SDK for web (also supports vanilla JavaScript)
  • Swift SDK for iOS, macOS, visionOS, and tvOS
  • Android SDK: planned

Server SDKs

Our server SDKs use your secret key from the dashboard.

  • NodeJS SDK: Github, NPM
  • PHP SDK: Github, Packagist
  • Go SDK: planned
  • Java SDK: planned
  • Python SDK: planned
  • Ruby SDK: planned

Our documentation covers using cURL so you can integrate with any language that we don't yet have an SDK for.

Feeling extra ambitious? Help us build new SDKs and we'll provide usage credits for your site! Get in touch for more info, or if you think there's another language we should support that's not yet on this list.

Start integrating today

We make it super easy to add passkey support to your app. You can enhance your existing auth with MFA or go fully passwordless!

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